Mini Cube Smart Label
RFID Chip - NXP I.CODE SLI / Tag-it Pro Memory - Up to 2kbits Working Frequency - 13.56Mhz Antenna Dimension - 15 x 15 mm Die Cut Dimension - 19 x 19 mm | |
Round Smart Label (HF CD / DVD Label)
RFID Chip - NXP I.CODE SLI Memory - Up to 2kbits Working Frequency - 13.56Mhz Antenna Diameter - 38 mm Die Cut Diameter - 42 mm
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Ring Smart Label |
RFID Chip - NXP I.CODE SLI / Tag-it Pro Memory - Up to 2kbits Working Frequency - 13.56Mhz Antenna Diameter - D 25 mm Die Cut Dimension - D 29 mm
Big Foot Smart Label |
RFID Chip - NXP MIFARE Memory - Up to 1kbits Working Frequency - 13.56Mhz Antenna Dimension - 48 x 26.5 mm
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Cube Smart Label |
RFID Chip - NXP I.CODE SLI / Tag-it Pro Memory - Up to 2kbits Working Frequency - 13.56Mhz Antenna Dimension - 38 x 38 mm Die Cut Dimension - 50.8 x 50.8 mm
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REC Smart Label |
RFID Chip - NXP I.CODE SLI / Tag-it Pro Memory - Up to 2kbits Working Frequency - 13.56Mhz Antenna Dimension - 85.6 x 54 mm Die Cut Dimension - 77 x 46 mm
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Tamper Proof Label |
SAG RFID Tamper Proof Label is specially designed for tagging directly to a substrate, such as Glass. Any attempt to rip or tamper the label will destroy the copper antenna and break the chip-antenna connection.
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RFID CD / DVD Label |
RFID CD/DVD Label is specially designed for libraries managing and circulating their CDs and DVDs collections and protect their collections from theft. In addition, this RFID label is designed to withstand the stress conditions encountered during operation with most of CD and DVD players.
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